My Experiences
Regarding my Nepali projects, my popular songs are "Bachun jeli lai"  sang by Biggest name ever The Great  Lata Mangeskar , and our most famous singer Ram Krishna Dhakal. Also "Pahadko chuk chuke rail, " Malai Pugen Pugena yo baisale", Yo maya pani natak, Yo baisa bhitra ke cha.I have already done dozens of different Nepali albums like " Sakchhyat', 'Bachunjeli lai" "Aagaman' 'Aaroha",'Gaye jala Jyan" "Haalchul", "Prem Diary"," Subharambha", "Aakarsan" I have been working with many Nepali singers lately. I am coming up with new Nepali movie songs n Collections.  I have already composed for " Parichya", and my upcoming movies are  Chocolate and Aryan The outsider.  I have got  "Young's Mind Award, Thaha Sanchar Award, Indian Gorkhali Army's Award, Taranga Award n few more. Various singers like Ananda Karki, Ram Krishna dhakal, Aastha B have been awarded for my compose.


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