My Experiences
Gorkha Dakshin Bahu - His Majesty of Government • Jagadamba Shree Award 2047 (1991) - Madan Puraskar Guthi • Jaycess Youth Award 1988 - Nepal Jaycess • Rastriya Yuba Gaurav Samman 2054 - Antarrastriya Manch Nepal • Best Comedian 2043 (1986) - Lions Club Bishal Bazar • Best Actor 2054 (1992) – Abhiyan • Best Director 2048 (1992) - Tele Film Award • Best Script Writer • Best Dialogue 2047 (1991) - Nepal Video Film Organization • Best Singer 2026 (1969) - Prakash Pustakalaya, Jochhen, Kathmandu • Abhiyan Shree Award 2057 (2000) • Nepal Samman 2057 Nepal Felicitation 2000 - Everest Foundation Nepal • Best Character Artist Award 2056 (2056) - Nepal Motion Picture Association • Outstanding Contribution Award 2058 (1001) - Nepal Motion Picture Award • Millennium Khyali Juju Award 2057 (2000) • Hari Tara Award 2052 (1996) - Nepal Film Artist Association • Best Dialogue - Nepal Film Artist Association • Best Story Writer - Abhiyan • Appreciation Award 1999 - The Everest Magazine, Toronto, Canada • Lux Movie Award 2003 - The Best Character Artist