Anna Sharma, also known as Annapurna Sharma, is a talented Nepalese film actress. She made her debut in the film “Jerryy”, where she starred opposite Anmol K.C.. Following her successful debut, Anna continued to shine in the Nepali film industry. Let’s explore more about her:
Debut Film: Anna Sharma’s first film was “Jerryy”, where she portrayed the character Akanshya123. The movie marked her entry into the world of cinema, and she left a lasting impression.
Notable Works:
“Gangster Blues”: In her second film, “Gangster Blues”, Anna played the role of Aarzoo opposite Aashirman DS Joshi.
“The Man from Kathmandu”: Anna was part of Nepal’s first web series, “The Man from Kathmandu”, which featured an international and Nepalese ensemble cast, including actors like Gulshan Grover, Hameed Sheikh, and Jose Manuel
Anna Sharma’s journey in the entertainment industry has been remarkable, and her talent continues to captivate audiences. 🌟🎬
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